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Fringebiscuit's First-Week Picks

The first week of Edfringe 2018 has been and gone, and what a week it's been! Our (already very tired) reviewers have been working hard to see as much as possible, and they've already uncovered some hidden gems. Here's a round-up of the stand-out acts for us so far:

Duo Mimikry: Visual Short Stories

We said:

Stunning physical comedy from the Berlin-based mime duo. With a style reminiscent of a 1930's film reel, these well-crafted, darkly-comic sketches challenge genre tropes and the imagination. Skillful, hilarious and visually remarkable.

Whether you're a lover of physical theatre or new to mime, Duo Mimikry's awe-inspiring physicality and impressively intricate narratives exemplify just how exciting the genre can be. Their dark-edged comedy may occasionally induce gasps, but will ultimately leave you grinning complicitly — it certainly did us. Tickets here.

Toby Thompson: For the Record

We said:

Warm lights, brewed coffee, vintage records, a piano. Toby Thompson transforms a shipping container into a sensory escape that mirrors his poetry: heartfelt, intricate, often humorous and always evocative portraits of love and life's absurdities.

Toby Thompson has been described as 'the future' of poetry, which may seem like impossibly high praise, but we reckon after an hour of listening to his sumptuous words and beautiful rhythms, you too will be converted. Tickets here.

Broken Bones Matilda: The Midnight Creeper Tour

We said:

This folk-Americana three-piece has a sound that is at once sultry, mysterious and innocent. Soaring, haunting vocals bring life to beautifully composed lyrics. Utterly captivating.

We have a feeling that in a couple of years we'll be bragging that we knew Broken Bones Matilda before they got big. Catch them before the end of their short Edfringe run. Tickets here.

John Hegley: New and Selected

We said:

Armed with vegetable puns, odd dancing, a ukelele, sporadic French, irreverant humour, beautiful poetry and heartfelt songs that require your participation, John Hegley expects much from his audience, but delivers far more in return. Delightful.

John Hegley's poetry is nothing less than a feast for the imagination – brilliantly witty, melodically more-ish and full of delicious surprises. We really can't recommend him highly enough. Tickets here.

Girl World

We said:

It’s rare to find a perfect mix of pure talent, phenomenal storytelling & unbridled creativity. Frisky Arts have created one of the most exhilarating performances you’ll see at Edfringe. A hilarious, moving, unique exploration of female prepubescence. Unmissable.

Do you remember what is was like to be on the cusp of adulthood? The cast of Girl World bring that experience to life with a show that manages to capture all the colourful complexities of a childhood imagination with wonderful humour and breathtaking accuracy. Our advice? Don't just see this show. See it twice. Tickets here.

Mark Steel: Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright

We said:

Unapologetically bemused by a nonsensical world, Mark Steel steers his captivated audience on a whimsical course from Brexit to dishwashers. Bold, intelligent and incontestably hilarious. Don't miss.

Mark Steel is a seasoned pro, and still manages to make a large, sold-out venue feel like an intimate gig. In our opinion he's one of the best raconteurs on the comedy circuit. Tickets here.