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Greenside Showcases New Writing at Edfringe 2018

Greenside ranks as the 6th largest venue this Fringe, with 168 shows spread between theatres on Infirmary Street, Nicholson Square and Royal Terrace. At yesterday's press launch, the venue showcased a diverse line-up that leans heavily towards Theatre and Musical Theatre, with an emphasis on emerging performers.

Ranking 5th in our earlier Venue Analysis, Greenside has a number of shows on its books which are attracting notable online attention. Way up front is Lucky, a newly-written satirical musical from Cambridge University Musical Theatre Society (2.4 Daily Mentions). Also making waves in on Twitter are historical drama, Hello Georgie, Goodbye Best from Cheese At Fourpence (1.7 Daily Mentions) and 35mm, a new musical from the Edinburgh Fringe Graduate Society (1.4 Daily Mentions). Greenside's most popular shows so far are all examples of new writing, highlighting the venue's commitment to contemporary work.

Alongside a highly anticipated program, Greenside is making a concerted effort this year to improve their environmental footprint, with fully recyclable service in all of their bars, and to improve wheelchair accessibility to their venues; no easy feat in Edinburgh's Old Town.