John Franklin: My Dad's Advice

John Franklin's “My Dad’s Advice” is like taking a leisurely stroll through the #comedic landscape. It's not an adrenaline-pumping rollercoaster, nor is it a breathtaking spectacle—it's firmly parked in the middle of the road, offering a chuckle-full, laid-back experience...🎤

👀The relatable: Franklin's 40-minute #standup orbits around his father- from questionable advice to lovably off-kilter anecdotes. It's a relatable affair recounted with the easy-going charm that is John Franklin's biggest asset...

His infectiously warm & easygoing personality seeps through his stories. It's clear Franklin likes to dip his toes into new experiences that take him to all the *hilariously* wrong places, and while the tales may not be wildly inventive, they're undeniably enjoyable...

🏹The hook: A #storyteller through and through, Franklin fully embraces the role of narrator with a wholesome touch. He's the guy at the party sharing all the best tales, and you can't help but get drawn into the narrative...

His stand-up fits comfortably into the #niceguy comic realm— akin to John Mulaney or Ross Noble, minus the eccentricities. For those who crave unconventional comedy, Franklin might not hit the mark entirely. His performance is a bit one-note throughout🧘 as he remains perched on a stool and maintains a sweet & steady pace during his set. …

🤔The oddity: Franklin seems to pause, almost expectantly, after delivering a punchline, which can occasionally feel like asking for the laugh. We kinda want to scream, 'trust your material!' No need to double-check — if the joke lands, we‘ll laugh!

In the end, John Franklin’s comedy is a versatile dish that suits every palate🍴😁 While it may not be a groundbreaking adventure, everyone in your extended #family is sure to find a chuckle. 3/5⭐

#comedy #storytelling #funny




Red Pill